Access Dalcroze
Professional Directory
Looking for a qualified Dalcroze educator near you? Find and contact credentialed members of our community to study or explore Dalcroze education.
Hoping to host a workshop for music teachers or college students? You may qualify for our Dalcroze Leadership Initiative program. Send us an email for more information.
These levels indicate the depth of Dalcroze teacher training completed:
- Dalcroze Certificate: Qualified to teach introductory courses in Dalcroze Education to students of any age, up to an early-intermediate level
- Dalcroze License: Qualified to teach students of all levels in eurhythmics, solfège, improvisation, plastique animée, and pedagogy
- Diplôme Supérieur: Representatives of the Dalcroze method; authorized to grant Dalcroze credentials and direct Dalcroze teacher-training programs
For more information, read our page on Dalcroze Credentials.
Absolutely! Let us know what you're looking for.
Special topics might include Dalcroze in Early Childhood, K-12, College/University, Private Lessons, Seniors, Special Needs, or Non-Musicians.
Fill out our Dalcroze Training Survey!
We periodically update this listing, so it may take some time before your name appears.
This listing is limited to individuals living in the USA with credentials from accredited training programs. (Since Level 1 and 2 are not themselves credentials, they would not qualify you for this list.)
All current DSA members appear in the Membership Directory, regardless of certification.
This webpage is updated periodically, so there is also a lag between submission and appearance on this list.
If you think your name is missing in error, let us know.
Todd | Anderson | New York | NY | todd2000[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Adriana | Ausch-Simmel | Lexington | MA | Adrianaausch[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Weronika | Balewski | Waltham | MA | weronika[at] | ✓ | ||
Jared | Ballance | Renton | WA | jballance[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Laura | Barnet | Yonkers | NY | laura[at] | ✓ | ||
Eric | Barnhill | Salt Lake City | UT | ericbarnhill[at] | ✓ | ||
Megan | Bauer | Evanston | IL | megansbauer[at] | ✓ | ||
Terry | Boyarsky | Cleveland Heights | OH | tboyarsky[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Thomas | Brotz | Island Lake | IL | elerslie[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Rachel | Buchman | Houston | TX | Rbuchman[at] | ✓ | ||
Aaron | Butler | New York | NY | aqbutler[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Timothy | Caldwell | Mount Pleasant | MI | j.timothy.caldwell[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Clelia | Cavallaro-McKeon | Haworth | NJ | Cleliacavallaro[at] | ✓ | ||
Patrick | Cerria | Westfield | NJ | p_cerria[at] | ✓ | ||
Jing | Chang | Buffalo Grove | IL | changjing10[at] | ✓ | ||
Angie | Clemens | Dayton | VA | aclemens[at] | ✓ | ||
Milene Cristine | Corso Zottarelli | Astoria | NY | milenecorso[at] | ✓ | ||
Katie | Couch | Westminster | CO | mkatiecouch[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Caron | Daley | Pittsburgh | PA | carondaley[at] | ✓ | ||
Christopher | DellaPietra | Burlingame | CA | chrisdp1[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Debora | DeWitt | Rockford | MI | deboradewitt[at] | ✓ | ||
Jeremy | Dittus | Dallas | TX | Jeremy[at] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Mary | Dobrea-Grindahl | Milan | OH | marydobreagrindahl[at] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Lisa | Ecklund-Flores | Tarrytown | NY | churchstreetschool[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Jackie | Edwards-Henry | Mississippi State | MS | jedwardshenry[at] | ✓ | ||
Lori | Forden | Morrison | CO | mslorismusic[at] | ✓ | ||
David | Gordon | Teaneck | NJ | dgordonmusic1com[at] | ✓ | ||
Sharon | Gratto | Dayton | OH | sgratto1[at] | ✓ | ||
Gretta | Harley | Seattle | WA | mettlerecords[at] | ✓ | ||
Sean | Hartley | New York | NY | shartley[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Lauren | Hodgson | Cleveland | OH | lhodgsonmusic[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Fumiko | Honda | Princeton | NJ | fumi0301[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Joy | Hughes | Mauldin | SC | hughesj[at] | ✓ | ||
Reiko | Ito | Mercer Island | WA | rito[at] | ✓ | ||
Jin | Bellevue | WA | jinxingpiano[at] | ✓ | |||
Michael | Joviala | Brooklyn | NY | m.joviala[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Yukiko | Konishi | New York | NY | yukkokonishi[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Mira | Larson | Salt Lake City | UT | mira[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Eunjin | Lee | Glen Ellyn | IL | eunleel[at] | ✓ | ||
Cynthia | Lilley | New York | NY | cynthia.lilley2[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Jayne | McDonald | Coraopolis | PA | kjmcdonald22[at] | ✓ | ||
Skye | McManus | Austin | TX | skyecmcmanus[at] | ✓ | ||
Twila | Miller | Jacksonville | FL | mtwila[at] | ✓ | ||
Anthony | Molinaro | Valencia | PA | anthony[at] | ✓ | ||
Alice Robin | Mosley | San Francisco | CA | yelsoma[at] Also: yelsoma2000[at] | ✓ | ||
Fumi | Nakayama | Racine | WI | fnakayama[at] | ✓ | ||
Stephen | Neely | Pittsburgh | PA | neely[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Natalie | Ozeas | Pittsburgh | PA | nlozeas[at] | ✓ | ||
Molly A. | Porterfield | Portland | OR | molly.a.porterfield[at] | ✓ | ||
Dawn | Pratson | Philadelphia | PA | pratsondawn[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Jaime | Rea | Pittsburgh | PA | jrea[at] | ✓ | ||
Terri | Reck | Los Ranchos | NM | terrireck[at] | ✓ | ||
Yoriko | Richman | Alameda | CA | yorikorichman[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Gregory | Ristow | Oberlin | OH | gristow[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Ted | Rosenberger | Seattle | WA | elveradofalcon[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Randall | Sheets | Mobile | AL | randallcsheets[at] | ✓ | ||
Marilyn | Shenenberger | Winchester | VA | handbelle[at] | ✓ | ||
Emma | Shubin | Longmont | CO | Emma.shubin[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Arthur | Simoes | Boston | MA | arthur.simoes.95[at] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Howard | Spindler | Rochester | NY | hspindler[at] | ✓ | ||
John (Jack) | Stevenson | Bethlehem | PA | jack[at] | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Melissa | Tucker | Beverly | MA | melissatucker38[at] | ✓ | ✓ | |
Karen | Williams | Killeen | TX | klmwill[at] | ✓ | ||
Marlene | Yeni-Maitland | East Brunswick | NJ | mym[at] | ✓ | ||
Pamela | Young | Westerly | RI | peba121[at] | ✓ | ||
Francely | Zurita | College Place | WA | francelyz[at] | ✓ | ✓ |
Need help deciding?
Let us know your specific needs, and we can help connect you.