Dalcroze Society of America

Ohio Chapter

Supporting Dalcroze education in Ohio.

Welcome to the Ohio Chapter of the Dalcroze Society of America.

The Ohio Chapter energizes music education and performance in the region through eurhythmics workshops with world-renowned educators. We invite musicians, Dalcroze teaching artists, and interdisciplinary learners of all skill levels to explore, grow, and learn through Dalcroze education in music and movement.


Workshops and Events

The Ohio Chapter hosts multiple workshops each year to give musicians, dancers, and educators experience with Dalcroze Education.


Become a member of the Ohio Chapter by joining the Dalcroze Society of America. Members receive discounted rates at workshops and national conferences, access to a growing online resource library, and more.

Ohio Fall Workshop

Ohio Chapter Fall Workshop: The Art of Sequencing Dalcroze Eurhythmics Lessons

Date/Location: TBA

This workshop will provide teachers with knowledge and skills to incorporate Dalcroze Eurhythmics into their classrooms. Workshop participants will explore a range of Dalcroze Eurhythmics exercises through purposeful movement in this interactive session, as well as learn how to design and effectively sequence their own Dalcroze-inspired activities for different age groups and skill levels.

What is Dalcroze Education?

Dalcroze Education is a method developed in the early 20th century by Swiss musician and educator Emile Jaques-Dalcroze to teach music to his students, provide them with a solid rhythmic foundation, and enhance their musical expression.

Movement is a key component of Dalcroze Education, as it allows the student to gain physical awareness and reinforce rhythmic concepts kinesthetically.

Ohio Chapter Leadership

President: Lauren Hodgson
Vice President: Sonia Hu
Secretary: Mary Dobrea-Grindahl
Treasurer: Greg Ristow
Member at large: Terry Boyarsky

Chapter Events



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