6th International Conference of Dalcroze Studies
Aug 02, 2023—Aug 05, 2023
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Categories External Events, International Events

“Ecologies of practice in music and movement”
Wednesday 02 – Saturday 05 August 2023
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, USA
ICDS6 aims to present the best of current research and practice within Dalcroze Studies and related fields. ICDS is a global, transdisciplinary forum, open to viewpoints from education, the arts and humanities, and the social, health and life sciences. We welcome practitioners and scholars alike. This year our theme is “Ecologies of Practice in Music and Movement”.
At ICDS6, we welcome participants to investigate the many ecologies of Dalcroze and related practices – the complex relationships between participants, practices, musics, and social and physical environments. The conference will explore ecological perspectives, seeking to understand vital connections at individual, communal, societal and systemic levels. Participants are invited to consider how Dalcroze and related practices are shaped by technology, climate, natural resources, health issues, economies, social and political bureaucracies, and how we affect and create change in our communities.