Italian Association Jaques-Dalcroze Summer School 2019
Aug 27, 2019—Aug 31, 2019
Florence, Italy
Categories External Events, International Events
We are very pleased to announce our XI AIJD – Italian Association Jaques-Dalcroze Summer School 2019, which will be taking place in the charming setting of CASA CARES in Reggello (Florence, Italy), in the Tuscan countryside.
From the 27th to the 31st of August 2019 we will be able to host anyone who is willing to experience Dalcroze methodology and discover its pedagogical principles, along with expanding one’s artistic, didactic and expressive acquirements in several fields: music, drama, dance, therapy and teaching.
We expect many of you!
Take a look at our brochure: if you subscribe to the Course as an ‘early bird’ before the 31st of May you will be able to pay a course fee of 290 euro instead of 340 euro!
Best regards from