Publications Guidelines

Would you like to be a contributor? Read the guidelines for publication of articles in Dalcroze Connections

Main themes for publications on Dalcroze Connections

  • Eurhythmics
  • Solfège
  • Improvisation
  • Plastique Animée
  • Lesson Plan: Early Childhood
  • Lesson Plan: On any of the branches of Dalcroze Eurhythmics
  • Music suitable for lessons
  • Dalcroze for Early Childhood
  • Dalcroze for Seniors
  • Application of Dalcroze Eurhythmics
  • Pedagogy: Teaching in public
  • Interviews
  • Dalcroze & other fields
  • Research findings (qualitative research)
  • Book Reviews
  • Rethinking Dalcroze
  • History of the DSA

Writing Style

Title of the article: Centered, bold Times New Roman, 16 point

Author of the article: Centered beneath title, bold, Times New Roman, 14 point


  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Size: 12 point
  • Style: Italic
  • Length: Maximum of 200 words

Content of the Article

  • Font: Times New Roman 
  • Font size: 12 point
  • Line spacing: double
  • Justification: left
  • Indents: ½ inch
  • Margins: 1 inch
  • Subtitles: 10 point, bold 
  • Footnotes: font size 10
  • No page numbers
  • Length: 
    • Minimum: 2000 words (without references and abstract)
    • Maximum: 3500 words (without references and abstract)
  • Language: US English
    • For special issues other languages may be included besides English


  • Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition
  • Merriam-Webster, 11th edition, Collegiate and Unabridged


  • To be included separately in individual files
    • Resolution: 300 dpi or better
    • Please provide:
      • caption for each image or figure
      • photo credits of the photographer 
      • holder of the copyright if you do not own it
      • placement of the image or figure within the main text in parenthesis.  Ex. (Insert Image 1), (Insert Figure 3), etc.

If minors appear in photographs, we must receive written permission from a parent or legal guardian to publish the photos.

Additional information to be included along with the article in a separate file:

  • Short bio of the author (font size 12): maximum 150 words
  • Author's head-shot: 300 dpi or better
  • Author's contact information

Article submission deadlines

  • August 1st, February 1st
  • Different deadlines may apply for special issues
  • The articles and additional information should be sent to:


Like most professional association journals, the Dalcroze Connections does not offer any compensation to authors.  

Author retains copyright of published materials with a license agreement to the DSA.

Thank you for submitting to Dalcroze Connections.

Further Reading