Why don't you sit in a circle just like we were before.
I'm just gonna speak to you for a few minutes
because I met with the children just before.
We did not go over the class exercises,
except we learned a song that I want them
to sing in the class.
But everything else is gonna be new and for me too,
because I didn't expect this particular class.
They do everything.
Uh, so we're going to just start with a kind of warmup.
And so I'd like all of you to stand up
and let's see who didn't go last time.
Um, Iris, why don't you take a walk around the circle.
Go for a walk. Go ahead. Keep going,
keep going.
And stop. And everybody
show her tempo in some way while you're watching her.
Ready? Go.
Oh, some of you are using your feet. Ready? Go.
Good. Let's all walk with Iris
and I'd like you to touch hands and make a circle
and, uh, let go hands step back.
When you stepped back, what did you do?
You made it bigger and face clockwise.
Good. And make it a little bit bigger. Okay.
And which line are you gonna stay away from?
Do you remember the line? Yeah. This line right here. Okay.
Do you remember Iris's Tempo? Yeah.
Good. And can you, do you remember
how we clap in a really musical way?
Yes. Yes.
And get ready, because all of you're going
to step Iris's tempo.
You still have that tempo in you. Yep.
Put one foot in front and bend that knee.
And which foot is ready to step back? Back, foot. Ready?
I'll give you an introduction
and then you can step Iris's tempo.
Ready? Go
And stop and clap.
Zaya, would you take a walk, please?
I love the way you're watching her.
Do you get your, her tempo
and stop?
Is it exactly the same as Iris's? No. How is it different?
Mine's faster because she little slow. You are right.
She said it. She said hers is faster
and hers was a little slower.
So let's watch Zaya again and listen. Go ahead.
come into the circle.
Good for you. Getting ready. Very nice face.
I never said this before today. How do you already guess?
Serena? Counterclockwise means face the other way.
The other way. Yeah. That's right.
Oh, I was going to make a suggestion to you,
but watch what, what Rena's doing.
Watch her clap. Ready?
Rena, do you know what I'm talking about? Ready? Go.
What did I want you to do? Move.
Why? Why do we, why do we like to do this?
Why do we like to move? Because what?
'cause it's more musical. It's more musical.
What were you going to say, Iris?
I was gonna say, makes it like more musical and more
She said it's more musical and more interesting. Yeah.
So let's, let's clap the next rhythm. Ready? Go.
Good. Let's now have a seat.
And this is something we did not do today.
Going to use the drums. Yeah.
So we have a whole box
with wonderful drums.
And I'd like each one of you to take a drum
and sit back in your circle.
Have you all played drums like these before?
Have you I Good. Good.
You've played them in your music class. Okay.
I am gonna play some rhythms for you.
I'd like you to play these rhythms on the
drum, musical
Zoo. Musical
zoo, musical zoo,
musical zoo, musical zoo, musical zoo,
musical zoo, musical zoo, musical zoo,
musical zoo, musical zoo, musical zoo,
musical zoo.
Musical zoo. Musical zoo. Now,
When we were doing clapping
before, what did we do
when we had a long sound?
That was at the End. At the end.
And which sound is long
At the end?
And which word is at the end?
Uh, the last one in the
Sentence. The
last one In the, in the sentence.
Musical zoo. Musical zoo. Musical zoo.
Musical zoo. Musical zoo. Musical zoo.
Musical zoo. Musical.
Musical. Musical zoo. Musical zoo.
I am going to suggest you do the same thing
with the song that you did with your names.
What did you do when there was a long name? Do you remember?
Show me, show me with the drum.
And you know, there's another thing.
When you put the drums on the floor,
they cannot ring.
They can't vibrate.
Listen, can you make
your drums vibrate?
Yeah. Ah, you did it.
When you do this, what's the problem?
I'm gonna show you something. What's the problem with this?
What's The problem, Rena? The
Drum won't Vibrate.
The drum won't vibrate.
And so what's, what's the problem? Yes, Iris.
Um, the problem is when you do things,
it's not so vibrating.
Like, when you do this,
Do you like the, which sound do you like better
When you use it for your fingertips?
When you use your fingertips?
So what we don't wanna do is keep the drum on the floor.
It can't vibrate. Now these are called rim drums
because we can hold onto the rim
and then we can make nice sounds on the drums.
Can you make a nice sound on your drum? Yes.
And remember when we were moving? Oh, that's beautiful.
Zaya beautiful. She's moving with each. Beautiful.
Yes. The sound is so nice. Now, can you make your rhythm?
Musical zoo. Musical zoo. Musical zoo.
Musical Zoo. Musical zoo.
Musical zoo. Musical
Zoo. Musical
Musical zoom.
Musical zoom.
Put your drums down on the floor.
Stand up and
back away from the drums.
Make a circle around the drums
so you're not near the them at all.
Um, yeah.
May come this side of the drum. Stand back.
Stand back. And everybody should be away from the drums.
Good. Uh, the first animal in the musical
Zoo Is giraffe.
And giraffe. Sounds like this.
Giraffe. Giraffe. Say that with me.
Giraffe, giraffe, giraffe, giraffe, giraffe, giraffe,
Giraffe, Giraffe,
Can you do giraffe another way? Find another way to do
Tell me again. Watch her.
Watch her clap. Drag, watch.
Hey, Zia, do you see
what you are clapping is doing for everybody?
Look at how musical everybody is. Watch again.
You can clap your raisin, but look how you help them.
And You'll be very that if you step this
rhythm, you can go galloping, face clockwise.
Put one foot in front and keep it there.
And Play the drums. The best
Way you know how to play the drums.
Not on the floor. Remember, needs to vibrate. Very good.
Musical zoo. Musical zoo.
Musical zoo. Musical zoo. Musical
Zoo. Musical
Musical zoo. Musical Zoo.
And look around you.
Because some of the children are playing zoo
like this musical zoo.
They're kind of zooming.
When, when we hear zoo, let's watch.
Ready? Go.
Musical zoo. Musical
Zoom. Musical
zoom. Musical
Zoo. Musical
Next animal. Put your drums down. Instead.
Up is
step away from your drums.
Advocate. Your, your, your, your,
your, your.
That was great.
You all had the, what did you have of alligator?
What did you get? The what?
You got the rhythm of it. The tempo. Yes. Serena.
The tempo and the rhythm. Now Yes, Iris.
Uh, you're Going A blood girl. You're going Really?
Allegro. Allegro needs like fast and tempo.
Can you tell the teachers what was the tempo?
Can you talk to them and tell them?
The temple was allegro and Lego and music means fast.
The temple was allegro. Allegro. And music means fast.
Yes. Now, how can you show alligator?
How can you show the temple and do it musically? Musically.
And re I think one, one thing that helps you, something
that helps you, is to look around at your friends.
Advocate Your,
Can you make it move?
Let's go. Make it move. Yeah.
I think you need to know which direction to go in.
How, what direction should we go In the clockwise.
Clockwise. Okay. But you're too close to the drums
and you're too close to each other.
Make a nice round circle. Good.
Can you close the circle up a little bit?
Oh, that was smart iris. Very good. Face clockwise.
And now we're going to step alligator and let it move. Yeah.
Musical. Musical musical.
Zoom musical. Zoom musical. Zoom. Musical.
Good. Can you bring your drums
and put them back in the box?
I love the way you're sitting Now I want you
to have more space around you.
So I'm going to ask. Good. You know exactly what to do.
You know exactly what to do. Kay.
Uh, you can move up this way. And right there is fine.
Rena, you can move up this way.
And let's see, Zaya, uh,
move back just a little bit
so you have more space around you.
Good. And Iris, move back
and let's see.
Uh, Serena, can you, yeah. Okay.
You've got a lot of space around you. Alright. Okay.
Um, take out your paintbrush
and I want you to take your paintbrush and start somewhere.
Where's your starting place gonna be? Mine is here.
And let's paint and paint and paint and paint
and stop
course Your legs.
Course your legs. Paint
and paint and paint and paint.
And stop. Paint and paint and paint and paint. And stop.
Paint and stop. Paint and stop.
And other hand, other paintbrush.
Paint and paint. And stop. Paint and paint. And stop.
Use your elbow. Paintbrush. Your elbow.
What if you're really painting a long line,
can you do that with your elbow?
Ah, look what Iris is doing. Show them what you just did.
Iris. She's painting with her elbow. But you went up.
You moved up. Yes. So let's paint with our elbows.
Duh, duh,
Paint with a foot. Yeah.
Okay. Get your foot ready. Not moving yet.
There's no, there's no sound. Just your starting place.
Other foot.
Is it hard to paint with your foot? Yes.
Watch Serena, can you do that by yourself?
Um, let's right here. Watch Serena.
You know what was wonderful?
Some of your friends moved along with you,
they were watching and they moved with you.
And let's see. Uh, Zia, did I say it right?
Zia, would you paint with your other foot? Can you do that?
Can you all paint with sun?
What else can you paint with?
What else can you paint with your head? Your this.
I have to see. Tell them what you said. My head.
I I have to see you paint with your head.
Then I have to see everybody do that. Let's watch.
Wonderful. Stopping. Wonderful. Stopping. Good listening.
What a great idea.
And people are moving their heads, but let's see.
Everybody paint with their heads. Ready?
Oh, that was so exciting.
I, I'm wondering something could you paint
with your whole self?
With your whole body? Yeah. You think you could?
Okay. Does everybody think they can try this?
Very nice. Okay.
I'm gonna play a song for you.
And I just want you, you're so good at moving and listening.
I'm curious to see how you will move with this song.
It's a song i, I love.
So I want you to move freely. What does freely mean? Freely
By yourself? It
Means what?
By yourself. By yourself. Okay.
What else does freely mean? Yes, it
Means like, kind of letting your body do like
what the music's doing.
Um, can you tell the teachers that,
because they've been studying for a long time to learn this.
Um, can you tell the teachers what you just said? I
Think like, kind of letting your body do
what the music's doing.
Letting your body do what the music's doing. Yeah.
Do you think you can do that?
Let your body do what the music's doing.
You've been doing a very good job of that.
So I'm gonna play this music and,
and let your body do what the music's doing.
Beautiful. Beautiful.
I'm going to ask, since I, I love to watch you move.
I'm going to ask Zaya to come sit right here by me.
Zaya? Yes. Did I say it right? Zaya.
Zana. Zana. No wonder you didn't come over.
I didn't say your name at all. Right? Okay. Thank you.
Have a seat. And I want you to look out that way.
And I'd like, um, Iris to come and sit here
and Serena to come and sit here.
And I'd like the three of you to watch the four children
who were there and watch how they move.
Why do you think I'm asking you to watch the children move
and I'm not having you all move at the same time?
'cause you want more people to watch
and say what they're thinking. Mm-Hmm.
Sometimes you can get ideas that way. Mm-Hmm. Good. Okay.
Are you ready?
And you can relax. Good. Come sit.
And now the three of you that we can talk about
that later now the three of you stand up
and the four of you come and you be an audience now.
Very nice. Come sit. Did, did you like watching each other?
Yeah. Did you like having children watch you? Yeah. Yeah?
Did you learn anything new by watching?
Did you get any new ideas? Iris?
I got a new thing.
Like while you were playing it sounded calmly
and everyone acted calmly
While I was playing. It
sounded calm. She said calmly and everyone acted calmly.
Very well put. Any other ideas?
I'd love to hear if you had ideas. Yes. Yes.
When other people, when the audience is watching,
I think we did the best.
Oh, can you tell them that?
Because that's important for them to know
When the audience are watching.
I think. I think it's we're the best class
When you were watching, they did their best.
Yes. Any other comments? Yes.
I like it how some people were twirling and walking
because it just, so if you were like running and skipping
and galloping that way it match.
If you were running and skipping
and galloping, it wouldn't match.
People were just very calm.
Um, so what I want to do is sort of draw a music
picture of this.
And I want you to take out your drums.
here, I'll come back here.
Something we did in the session
before you came in was we, we made drums.
We took if we're right-handed or left-handed.
What did we do with that? What did we make? Make the mallet.
We made a mallet. Mallet.
And then what did we do with the other hand? Make a drum.
And then we make a drum
and then we were able to tap our rhythm.
Uh, do you know what? I think you came in after we did that.
Uh, or did you, did you make the mallet? Did you do this?
Oh, all right. So with the hand, if you're right-handed,
make the mallet with your right hand
and then you make the drum with your left hand.
And then let's tap the rhythm.
Does I have a really interesting question for you?
Does anybody here remember the very first
sound of this song?
Could you sing the very first? No. Do you remember it?
Can you sing it? Nice.
Anybody else? Yes.
Cry. Mm-Hmm. Very good. Somebody else? Yes.
Tra la Tra la. Yeah. We learned a tra la song.
We're going to sing for you. I'll sing.
Here's the first note
that's kind of high, but the rhythm went.
So we're gonna do just the rhythm. I bet you remember it.
Yeah. Good. Let's sing. I have to sing it down low though.
Doesn't sound the same, but I can't sing it up too high.
So let's, if you want sing with me
I'm, I'm going to put, I'm gonna add something,
but does anybody know what these are called?
No. Do you know me? I forgot. You forgot? Okay.
No, they're called notes. They're called notes.
And the notes I made have two parts so far.
The first part is this. And we call that the note head.
And the next part is this. And we call that the stem.
It looks like an L right now.
It does look like, well, it looks like an LA backwards l.
Anyway, I'm gonna add one more thing.
And if any of you are studying,
I think a lot of you are studying piano.
Maybe you'll even know this. Note. This rhythm.
Tee Tee. You know Titi.
How many of you know Tee TT for these?
Okay, we're gonna call those tt.
And what did you learn for from for this one? Ta. Ta.
Can we do that? Let's call these what? tt tt.
And these are ta good. Okay, let's let's say them. Ready?
Go. Ttt
tt tatt
And I'm gonna do something kind of funny here.
Ta Does anybody know what that is?
It's very strange looking. Yes. Kay.
What, what is this? It's um,
It's, I think it's called a rainbow.
I love that she said it's called a rainbow.
I love that way of remembering that. Long note.
Does anybody know I'm gonna write it The way you usually see
it, you usually see it like this.
Anybody recognize that? Yes. Yes. Yeah.
I recognize you recognize that? Good.
Do you know the name of it? Ta It's, well, it's not just ta
because ta Is that this one's a longer one.
Tow. Tow. Not yet. We didn't do it yet.
We should, since it's called a rainbow, we should do rain.
If it's called a rainbow, we should do rain.
And I agree with you, except that there's a certain name
for this note that I want to do.
I love the idea of rainbow and rain,
but I want you to learn the name of this.
Yes. Kay. Blue could be
blue is a long word.
And this is a long note, but just a minute.
If we're calling these other notes, TT
and ta, there's something that this goes with.
It's ta Let's say that ta
let's say it from the beginning.
We can sing it.
Tat ta.
And now we, we have to do something else.
And this is the one thing we prepared for you
in the session I had with them before.
Do you remember what we did?
We, we learned a song and we're gonna sing this.
And this is our last thing. Okay?
I need you to be in a semicircle together
so you can see each other.
Oh, good. You know, I love
that you're looking at the audience.
That's, that's also good. Okay.
I like to sing.
I like to sing.
I like to sing.
I like to sing.
I like to sing.
I like to sing.
Teachers are gonna start. They do trala. You do?
I like to sing. Are you ready?
Trala Children. I like to sing.
To sing. Keep going. Children. Children. I like to sing.
I like to sing.
I like to sing.
I like to sing. You start.
It was lovely having you here today. What a wonderful class.
Parents, aunts, thank you so much
for bringing your children here.
This is so important.