Training Programs

Find sites where Dalcroze teacher training allows adult students to work toward a credential or gain experience with Dalcroze Education.

These training programs offer intensive study in Dalcroze education, and most have summer sessions. Many adult students specifically work toward a Dalcroze credential, but these courses are open to anyone seeking experience with Dalcroze.

These institutions are independently owned and operated, and these external links are provided for your information and convenience. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we can make no guarantees. Please contact the host organization for more information.

Numerous educators have created their own brand of music and movement education that builds upon or utilizes in part the work of Émile Jaques-Dalcroze; in fact, many people are unaware that Carl Orff studied with Jaques-Dalcroze! Today, educators in the U.S. continue to be influenced by the work of Jaques-Dalcroze and incorporate their adapted version of his method into their practice and training programs.

The DSA encourages and supports all people who are curious about the Dalcroze work to further their studies under the guidance of a person who holds the Diplôme Supérieur.  The Diplôme Supérieur is the highest credential offered in Dalcroze education, only offered by the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze (IJD) in Geneva. We respect the training in music and movement offered throughout the United States and are eager to share more about the Dalcroze philosophy as developed by Jaques-Dalcroze. Our training programs will work with you to determine where you are in your training and help you to forge a path to successful completion of a Dalcroze credential.

A qualified Dalcroze teacher training program is affiliated with an individual who holds the diplôme supérieur granted by the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze in Geneva, Switzerland.

Some of these qualified programs are accredited by the DSA. Accredited programs participate in the DSA T2 Program, developed by the DSA Professional Development Committee. These schools use the T2 Manual as the structural basis for the curriculum, creating more continuity between teacher training in the USA.

  • The Dalcroze Institute of New England (Medford, MA)*
  • The Dalcroze Program at Lucy Moses School, Kaufman Music Center (New York, NY)*
  • The Dalcroze School of Music & Movement (Dallas, TX)*
  • Dalcroze studies at the Diller-Quaile School of Music (New York, NY)
  • The Dalcroze Summer Intensive at the Colburn School (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Institute for Jaques-Dalcroze Education (Bethlehem, PA)
  • Marta Sanchez Dalcroze Training Center (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • Winchester Community Music School (Winchester, MA)*

*Indicates participation in the DSA T2 Program. (Subject to change.)

On this page:

  • The Dalcroze Institute of New England (Medford, MA)
  • The Dalcroze School at Lucy Moses School (New York, NY)
  • The Dalcroze School of Music & Movement (Dallas, TX)
  • The Dalcroze Summer Intensive for Music Educators (Los Angeles, CA)
  • The Dalcroze Program at Diller-Quaile (New York, NY)
  • Institute for Jaques-Dalcroze Education (Bethlehem, PA)
  • Marta Sanchez Dalcroze Training Center (Pittsburgh, PA)
  • Winchester Community Music School (Winchester, MA)

The Dalcroze Institute of New England

Community Music at Tufts University
Medford, MA

Three-week Summer Intensive
For the most up-to-date info, visit their website.

Join us for a dynamic, inspiring, and in-depth Dalcroze experience for musicians, music educators, and all those interested in exploring the Dalcroze approach. Classes include: Eurhythmics, Solfège, Improvisation, Dalcroze Pedagogy & Plastique Animée and more.

Email dalcrozenewengland[at] for more information.

This school is a T² approved teacher training program, accredited by the Dalcroze Society of America.

The Dalcroze School at Lucy Moses School

Lucy Moses School, Kaufman Music Center
New York, NY

The Dalcroze School at Lucy Moses School offers a comprehensive musical training as well as Dalcroze Certification and Licensure. Its core subjects are Eurhythmics, the study of rhythm; Solfège, ear training and musical literacy; Improvisation, spontaneous musical expression at the piano. Pedagogy coursework is also available.

This school is a T² approved teacher training program, accredited by the Dalcroze Society of America.

Dalcroze School of Music and Movement Logo

The Dalcroze School of Music & Movement

Dallas, TX

Summer and Academic Year Programs

An intensive teacher-training program for individuals looking for a student-centered, accessible, specific curriculum for those seeking the Dalcroze Certificate or License. Two week, one week, and individual day tuition possible.

This school is a T² approved teacher training program, accredited by the Dalcroze Society of America.

Colburn logo

Dalcroze Summer Intensive for Music Educators

The Colburn School
Los Angeles, CA

June 9–27, 2025

The Dalcroze Summer Intensive offers musicians and music educators the opportunity to immerse themselves in Dalcroze education.

Institute for Jaques-Dalcroze Education

Monocacy Manor
Bethlehem, PA

Various Levels

The Institute will inspire you with new teaching ideas, skills, and knowledge. Come to be challenged musically, physically, and pedagogically. Be prepared to study and practice hard, and to experience the joy of a Jaques-Dalcroze Education. Housing and meals are on the campus of Monocacy Manor in the Retreat Center, making your stay convenient and most comfortable. The scenic beauty provides a respite from the stresses of life, allowing you to focus and immerse yourself in the experience of the Jaques-Dalcroze approach.

Marta Sanchez Dalcroze Training Center

Carnegie Mellon University School of Music
Pittsburgh, PA

Summer Dalcroze Eurhythmics Workshops
Come for one, two, or three weeks.

The Dalcroze Training Center offers a one week workshop (Workshop I) and a conjoint three week workshop (Workshop II). Both workshops offer classes at introductory and advanced levels. Both workshops offer performers, conductors, music educators (preschool through college), studio teachers, music therapists, movement specialists, actors and dancers practical applications of Dalcroze principles for performance and teaching.

Winchester Community Music School

Dalcroze Continuing Education
Winchester, MA

Dalcroze Certification Teacher Training (for Adults)
Academic Year Courses

This continuing education class is for adults who seek the musical and pedagogical enrichment that Dalcroze Eurhythmics offers, and for teachers who would like to supplement their teaching with Dalcroze Eurhythmics techniques. The class may be taken as a full-year program (with optional Dalcroze certification) or on a drop-in basis.

This school is a T² approved teacher training program, accredited by the Dalcroze Society of America.

These institutions are independently owned and operated, and these external links are provided for your information and convenience. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we can make no guarantees. Please contact the host organization for more information.

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