Call for Proposals
The Dalcroze Society of America invites proposals to present sessions at its 2024 National Conference, “Rhythmic Frontiers,” June 6–8, 2024 at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Oberlin, Ohio.

Proposals due January 15, 2024.
"Rhythmic Frontiers" beckons participants to explore new territories in sound and motion. As frontiers symbolize the unknown and untapped, this theme invites us to innovate, experiment, and push beyond traditional boundaries. Embrace the voyage and journey along the intertwined pathways of rhythm, movement, and music.
Proposals should be for sessions of 60 or 75 minutes in length, or for 15-minute short sessions on Dalcroze or Dalcroze-adjacent topics. All sessions should include time for questions. We will also accept proposals for performances that intersect or connect to the Dalcroze practice. (Presenters may submit up to three proposals. If submitting multiple proposals, they should address different areas or different participant experience levels.) We welcome and encourage presenters with all levels of Dalcroze experience and training, including those working in other practices. Preference will be given to proposals related to the conference theme.
Accepted presenters will be notified on or before February 15, 2024.
Potential Topics
- Dalcroze eurhythmics
- Dalcroze solfège
- Dalcroze improvisation (A keyboard lab with multiple pianos is available.)
- Dalcroze pedagogy (including teaching demonstrations, videos, etc…)
- Dalcroze plastique animée (live or recorded)
- Performances
- Special applications of dalcroze methods and/or principles
- Dance education and performance
- Seniors
- Special needs students
- Private lessons
- Group instruction
- Rehearsal and performance techniques
- Theater, drama, acting courses
- Collegiate solfège/theory courses
- Arts integration
- Multi-cultural/Diversity applications
- Other topics not listed are welcome
Applications must include:
- Name, biographical information (150 word limit), and head shot (JPEG format)
- Description
- Proposed Title (3-8 words)
- Session Description (50 word limit)
- Topic
- Outline of the workshop, performance, or presentation (PDF);
- Preferred participant Dalcroze experience
- Is it good for beginners or best for those with some Dalcroze experience?
- Session duration*
- 60 minute, 75 minute, no preference, or 15-minute presentation
- Or, if a performance, estimated timing
- If your proposal is related to the conference theme of “Rhythmic Frontiers,” a description of how your presentation expresses this theme;
- Equipment needs and/or technical requirements (piano, space to move, audio, audio-visual, etc.).
- Commitment to join the Dalcroze Society of America.
*We do our best to accommodate presenters’ requests for length of sessions, but due to space and schedule limitations, we reserve the right to adjust the length of accepted sessions.