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Hard Copy
In This Issue
Spatial Orientation and Awareness
Michael Joviala
Incitation and Inhibition
Jeremy Dittus and Eiko Ishizuka
Using Recorded Music in a Dalcroze Class
Louise Mathieu
Guest Editor’s Letter
Michael Joviala
in memoriam...
Paul Hille and Joy Yelin
Executive Director’s Letter
Alex Marthaler
Scholarship Reflection
KuanTing Chang
Improv Exchange
Aaron Taylor
Anatomy of a Lesson
Lauren Hodgson
Aural Reactions
CMU Marta Sanchez Dalcroze Training Center
The Dalcroze School at Lucy Moses School
Longy Dalcroze Summer Institute
The Dalcroze School of the Rockies
Institute for Jaques-Dalcroze Education
Virtual Dalcroze Masterclasses
Winchester Community Music School
and... Friends of Dalcroze
Further Reading
• Heart to Heart: Music and Movement for Seniors with Dementia (Melissa Tucker)
• Movement Training for Dalcroze Eurhythmics Specialists (Dawn Pratson)
• Improv Exchange: Dewdrops (Michelle Li)