
Support the mission of the Dalcroze Society of America by making a gift to the DSA conveniently and securely online.

Thank you for your interest in donating to the Dalcroze Society of America.

The DSA relies on donors to secure the future of Dalcroze Education. Your support will help us continue our mission to promote Dalcroze in the United States and around the world. All donations are tax-deductible.

We show our gratitude for donors and event sponsors that enable us to continue our work. Thank you.

If you are unable to make a financial gift at this time but still want to help the DSA, consider other ways to get involved by giving your time, expertise, or voice.

Designated Giving


Designate your gift to support specific Dalcroze USA programming.

DSA Memorial Scholarship Fund

Each year, in honor of beloved Dalcroze educators Fran Aronoff, Arthur Becknell, John Colman, Brunhilde Dorsch, Elsa Findlay, and Henrietta Rosenstrauch, the Dalcroze Society of America awards a limited number of Memorial Scholarships to help future Dalcroze teachers study at accredited Dalcroze teacher training programs in the United States or abroad.

"Dalcroze Connections" Magazine

Support production costs of the Dalcroze USA magazine, which features interviews, announcements, articles, and more for the Dalcroze community.

Dalcroze Leadership Initiative Fund

The Dalcroze Leadership Initiative (DLI) brings qualified Dalcroze educators together with event producers so they can provide workshops and classes across the USA, helping more and more teachers and students discover Dalcroze Education.