The 2020-2021 Professional Development Committee
Formed in 2012, the Dalcroze Society of America’s Professional Development Committee (PDC) has focused on developing written standards of excellence for the future Dalcrozians of the United States. The T2 Manual (“Teacher Training” Manual) outlines the standards for the Dalcroze Professional Certificate and Dalcroze License. These minimum standards outline what all DSA Accredited Dalcroze training centers agree to include in their instruction. It is the first time in the history of the United States that Diplômés have been able to come together, work as a team, and create a vision of Dalcroze Education in our country. The process has been a labor of love and many individuals; I’m proud to say that it is “finished.” I say this in quotations, because it is a living document that has been and will be modified, changed, and emended for as long as it serves our community. The most recent version features the inclusion of the Dalcroze License, governance documents, and revised accreditation standards. With the arrival of this document, the PDC will have finally finished all of its charges give to it by our membership back in 2012. As with each preceding version of the T2 Manual, this version will be provided to the DSA membership for vote in the near future.
Since it was nearly a decade ago that the committee was formed, it is worth mentioning some of the benefits such a document provides.
- Increased awareness of what Dalcroze Education entails and how to achieve Dalcroze Professional Certification and Licensure.
- Improved communication within the US community of Diplômés, Licentiates, and Professional Certificate holders through shared vocabulary. This improved communication extends to our international community as well, including the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Detailed procedures and guidelines for the evaluation of students including standardized evaluation forms and suggested rubric offers clarity for students and faculty alike.
- Deepened acknowledgement and appreciation of the rich diversity within our practice: by recognizing where we are similar, we can more easily value the ways in which we are unique.
- Enriched accessibility and equity for DSA membership: with this document it is much easier for us to share materials, address concerns, and further develop la Méthode Jaques-Dalcroze here in America. Plans are underway to make this document available in a searchable HTML format, too!
In addition to the completion of the T2 Manual, the PDC has developed two subcommittees which serve the DSA community: The Council of Diplômés and Dalcroze Education for Youth. The Council of Diplômés gives an official vehicle American Diplômés to communicate and address concerns regarding the responsibilities and obligations of those holding the Diplôme Supérieur. The Subcommittee on Dalcroze Education for Youth will investigate and discuss the needs and wants of teachers who educate children in this country using Dalcroze methodology, including, but not limited to: curriculum, skills, materials, pedagogy, child development, psychology, etc.
I am excited to say that the newest T2 Manual will be available soon, so watch your inbox for more information. With the arrival of this document, I will be stepping down as the chair of the PDC. Now that the original charges of the DSA have been achieved, new leadership will bring new ideas and renewed focus to this group. I want to thank all of the PDC members past and present for their support, ingenuity, persistence, and patience through this process. I welcome Michael Joviala to take the reins of this committee, and I have every confidence that he will do a fantastic job. Thank you to our DSA membership for entrusting me with the task of creating this document. I hope it serves our organization for years to come and keeps us moving forward and moving together.
The DSA Board of Trustees envisions the DSA’s future and enacts policies to ensure that its programs fulfill its stated purpose and meet the community’s evolving needs. Meet the rest of the Board and find out more about their work.