2022 DSA Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Survey
The Dalcroze Society of America (DSA) is embarking on a process to investigate and improve our organization with regards to diversity, equity, and inclusion. In this effort, we are joining many organizations in addressing a long history of unequal opportunities and disenfranchisement for BBIA (Black, Brown, Indigenous and Asian), the differently-abled, LGBTQIA, and others.
In the spring of 2021, a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force put together recommendations to the DSA Board of Trustees which, in turn, established a DEI standing committee. This committee is asking our members and associates to complete this initial survey to help us move forward.
Your thoughts and feelings on these issues are very important to us.
This survey is anonymous and all questions are optional. The results will only be available in aggregate to help us understand and better support the different kinds of people that make up our community.
This survey should take 10-15 minutes, and we welcome any additional thoughts, questions, or suggestions you may have.
The survey is open through March 15.
Dawn Pratson
DEI Committee Chair