The 2020-21 Publications Committee
Over its forty-plus year history, the DSA has consistently released publications that document the activities of its members, generate interest in Dalcroze Education and Dalcroze Studies, and embody its members’ high standards for relevant content—in print, and more recently, online. Today, all of the organization’s publications are overseen by a newly formed—and highly energized—team. It’s my pleasure to introduce the DSA’s Publication Committee! The lineup includes: William Bauer, Terry Boyarsky, Aaron Butler, Elda Nelly Trevino, Jeanette Wong and myself, Michael Joviala.
Here is what we are working on:
- Dalcroze Connections: We uncharacteristically missed publication in the previous academic year; and we thank our loyal readers for patiently awaiting this delayed issue. The good news is, the new issue is now available. Our next issue is also in the planning stages. Elda Nelly Trevino will be the guest editor for a special issue devoted to Dalcroze across the Americas. We are always eager for contributors across the Dalcroze spectrum, so don’t be surprised if one of us contacts you with an idea for an article or feature. And if you’d like to add your voice, drop us a line at editor@dalcrozeusa.org.
- Between the American Dalcroze Journal and Dalcroze Connections, the DSA has rich resources of printed material. We’d love to make that more accessible to our members and to the global community at large. Towards that end, we are researching ways to make the entire publishing history of the DSA digitally accessible and searchable. We’ve been given a great boost by generous gifts from Julia Schnebly-Black, who recently passed away at the end of last year. Ms. Black left us not only a complete set of American Dalcroze Journals, but also a very generous financial bequest which we are planning to use as seed money to create this archive. We hope it will become an invaluable resource for all who seek to satisfy their curiosity about Emile Jaques-Dalcroze, the method he and his students passed on to future generations, and the society in the USA that carries this method forward into the future.
- Other strategic goals of the Publication Committee include:
- Helping authors and researchers place articles related to the practice of Dalcroze in academic journals
- Finding ways to publish teaching materials that master teachers have developed over the course of their careers
- Continuing an ongoing flow of new content relevant to Dalcroze Education via our online newsletters and our blog
We’d love to hear from you. Got an idea for a blog post? Is there a regular feature you’d like to see in Dalcroze Connections? Let us know and get involved. You can reach us at editor@dalcrozeusa.org. We’d love to hear your comments, suggestions and feedback.
The DSA Board of Trustees envisions the DSA’s future and enacts policies to ensure that its programs fulfill its stated purpose and meet the community’s evolving needs. Meet the rest of the Board and find out more about their work.