Section 4: Workshops & Events
A guide to planning your first workshop and insuring your activities, so that everything runs smoothly.
How to Plan a Workshop
The DSA has created an online resource designed to help its members plan workshops and other events: Workshop Planning Guide. You will find suggestions on how to market the event to build an audience, and marketing materials to help you design and distribute publicity.
DSA Chapter Event Support
The Chapter and DSA Chapter Outreach Committee will work together to ensure that all Chapter events are planned to succeed. The goal is for the Chapter’s event planners to feel guided and supported by the DSA. Reach out to chapters[at] with any questions about planning support or financial support.

Event/Chapter Insurance
The DSA provides liability insurance for its Chapters as a function of their role as “branches” or “field offices” of the DSA. In order to obtain a Certificate proving that the Chapter has coverage for an event, the Chapter President must contact the DSA’s Executive Director at least six weeks before the date of the event. The Executive Director will contact the broker and then forward the certificate to the Chapter President.
In the planning and marketing of events, as well as in the registration process, the Chapter needs to adopt particular language and policies consistent with the insurance broker’s guidelines. In addition, attendees must sign a waiver upon registration that releases the DSA of all liability for any accident that occurs during the workshop or event. Contact the Executive Director for this language.