Lesson Plan: Waltz of the Flowers
This lesson can be used for a wide range of ages and abilities. It may also be adjusted to fit a variety of classroom goals and settings. It explores measure groupings of 3’s and 4’s. Enjoy and please feel free to make it your own!
Activity 1: Walks & Bows
“Show me how you take a bow.”
The class all bows. Notice the variation of response. For example, are arms hanging loosely at their sides? Or is one arm at their waist? Invite individual students to show their way of bowing. The group tries various possibilities.
“Walk with the music, bow when the music tells you to take a bow. Look around and make eye contact with a classmate as you bow.”
Improvise walking music on the piano (or you may also use a hand drum). Use the following rhythms to indicate bowing:
– Continued –
Lesson Sections:
- Activity 1: Walks & Bows
- Activity 2: Let’s Swing and Waltz
- Activity 3: Plastique Animée / Waltz of the Flowers
This lesson was originally published in the “American Dalcroze Journal” Vol. 37, No. 2.
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